Archives: Northdale Sermons

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June 5
Jun 5, 2022

“The Word Goes Forth” 1. Only by God’s Grace 2. Only by God’s Witnesses
John 14:23-27

Worship Materials

May 29
May 29, 2022

Christ Ascends! 1 With a glorious purpose 2 With a glorious promise
Luke 24:44-53

Worship Materials

May 22
May 22, 2022

Jesus Promises Joy 1 Though troubles threaten 2 Jesus' promise holds firm
Acts 14:8-22

Worship Materials

May 15
May 15, 2022

“Love’s Sacrifices” 1) Seen in Christ’s love for us 2) Seen in our love for others
Acts 11:1-18

Worship Materials

May 8
May 8, 2022

“Listen To The Voice Of The Good Shepherd” 1) A Word to heed 2) A Word to follow
Acts 13: 13-39

Worship Materials

May 1
May 1, 2022

Faith Changes You! 1) A faith given by God 2) A faith strengthened by God
Revelation 5:11-14

Worship Materials

April 24
Apr 24, 2022

“No More Doubts!” 1) Our Savior has risen. 2) Our Salvation is won.
Acts 5:12, 17-32

Worship Materials